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Friday, May 6, 2011

chapter 44: CINCO DE MAYO

Ben is about to finish his winter semester at BSU {only to start again in a month for summer semester, poor boy}. To celebrate, I met Ben and his bicycle at work on my bicycle and we rode downtown for First Thursday and also, a Boise State end of the semester celebration.

{so the pictures are all a little blurry... give me a break - these were taken while I was riding my bicycle. Impressed?}

{Awesome crocheted bicycle rack covers!}

Hooray for no more classes! Hooray for downtown! Hooray for bicycles!
Also, hooray for owls, because this little gentleman greeted us in our backyard when we returned home. He let us get pretty close too! Although he was scowling at us the entire time. Apparently our presence made him very upset. 

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