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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Benjamin and I have begun our first steps, on our way to matrimony. We’re off to Olympia Washington to be with the family for Thanksgiving. Arrived Tuesday night and ambushed by little lovely ones {adorable nieces and nephews from Benjamin’s new sisters}. We just relaxed that night, and all day wednesday. As a special treat, Wednesday morning we hit the city and enjoyed delicious luxury doughnuts and chocolate stores.

FOOD glorious FOOD

The best I’ve ever had: Turkey
The creamiest with perfect chunks: Potatoes
Flaky and moist: Pies
Rollie Pollie: Peas and Corn
and all the fixin’s you could imagine.

My very most favorite though, the cream of the crop, the famous INDIAN PUDDING. Benjamin tried it for the first time this year and the Park-family newbie. I am pleased to report that he LOVED it. With a little whipped cream on top - magnificent.

Friday was the big day. We all loaded up in 3 cars and began the journey to the east. There were numerous storm warnings, but we persevered. We were heartbroken to hear that a number of our dearest friends and family weren’t able to make the journey, but it turned out that the roads were relatively clear and weather kept clear for us for the most part. We had no problems and make it safely and quickly to the Tri-cities. Benjamin sweetly took me out on our last date as two before our lives of dates as one began. We snuck away from the hotel and went to the Olive Garden, of which we ate two bites of our ordered food and loaded up on the complimentary breadsticks and salad. Delicious. {mmmmm}

Early to bed
{after the disappointing BSU football game... poor Benjamin}.
Early to rise and the Bride and Groom to be!

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