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Friday, November 19, 2010


THURSDAY night, date night.
This week, Benjamin and I decided to move up our weekly date night a day and check out a new ribs place by my work. We taste-tested an array of different bbq sauces to try and discover the taste we were looking for to make our own. Benjamin is going to be our future bbq sauce supplier, so we wanted to find the right flavor to peruse.
Of course, Benjamin leaned towards the SPICY and I loaded on the Sweet.

After that, we headed home to get our gear on. We had tickets to the midnight showing of the newest Harry Potter: the Deathly Hallows {part 1}. We were counting on the "usuals" being there... Harry Potter look-alikes, Professor Snape at the concessions and Voldemort cutting in the ticket line. Since everyone else at the theater would mostly likely be dressing up, we wanted to too!

Benjamin rocked this look:

And I was his faithful companion in this ensemble:

Our outfits would not be complete with out our trusty wands in hand. We stood in line and sat in the theater 2 hours early to ensure good seats while we cast spells on each other.

Leia: "Expelliarmus Patronum"

Han: "Lumos Stupefy"

We rocked that theater as Ben challenged the boys behind us to "duels" and comebacks like, "Han Solo can cast way better spells than Ron... he's freakin' HAN SOLO!"

And we played Harry Potter trivia questions with the boys in front of us. The two 12 year olds defiantly schooled us. My questions consisted of: "POP QUIZ! What is the name of the third book??"

While the boys questions were a tad trickier, like: "What color shoe laces did the classmate of Hermione have at her first day of spells class in the second book?"

...uhhhh... Quick Ben - use your Jedi Mind Trick!

"You will turn around now. You will accept defeat. We know Harry Potter better than you. You are confused.


The movie was epic. Our love is epic-er.

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