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Sunday, August 7, 2011

chapter 52: A PUP OF OUR VERY OWN

Feeling something tugging at our minds drew us to the pound. Week after week we looked at all the new dogs at the humane society, scanned craigslist, and it became a main topic of conversation over dinner. We were defiantly in the market for a dog. Because we already had a cat, a small apartment, and it we were "first timers", we decided to go with a puppy. That way the cat could feel dominate for at least while the puppy was small enough to bat around. Finally, after months of searching and mental preparation (including "puppy proofing" our house), we met our man. We walked into the pound and he was there waiting for us. We immediately fell in love with the little 8 week old and took "Desmond" home the next day. He is half lab, half corder collie, and all Swensen. So far, we have discovered that he loves to chew... luckily we are good at drawing his attention from our shoes/couches/pillows to his ropes, balls, and stuffed animals. We are still working on potty training... he has a 100% success rate if we are paying attention to his 'signals' but we are very grateful for our hardwood floors.

He sleeps all through the night and has only chewed through ONE leash; we are now in the market for a titanium leash - naughty puppy. Surprisingly the kitty and the puppy get along pretty well and even snuggle sometimes. There is beauty all around, when there's love at home.

Meet Desmond.

8 weeks old. 

Hello from the Swensen Family!

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