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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

chapter 16: AMORE

After a few more family shots with shivering babies, we drove to Carmine’s for our luncheon. A quaint little family owned Italian restaurant, with recent and ancient family wedding photos covering the walls. The romantic singing of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin filled the cozy walls and provided the perfect ambiance for Husband and My’s first dance. Daddies were dancing with babies, warm italian homemade dishes were passed around the close-knit tables {family style serving} while everyone laughed, visited and loved. My wonderful Daddy made many stellar toasts, as well as my sister Rachel, “May the best day of your past be the worst day of your future together” "The more you invest in a marriage the more valuable it becomes." "In every marriage there is grounds for divorce; the trick is to find grounds for marriage." "May she share everything with her husband, including the housework." "When children find true love, parents find true joy." “You have sacrificed a lot and I hope you continue to sacrifice and give to one another”.

And best of all, this scene commenced:
{sitting at the table, while my dad stood raising his glass}
In case any of you weren’t aware, we are Italian. True to Italian tradition, each man will cut a piece of the groom's tie as a memento of this special occasion.

One by one, each man in the room snipped a piece of Benjamin's tie off until it was just a stub hanging below his chin. As each man approached, he paid the bride for the portion of the tie. A wad of cash was secretly slid into my palm, which I hid away in my dress.

We had such a wonderful time and the whole weekend was pretty stress-free!
As soon as the festivities ended, we changed into our boring regular clothes and hit the road, bound for the airport and our honeymoon. When we arrived at the terminal, a family came up to us and said, "did you just get married?!" I was so happy thinking we just gave off this aura of love and newlywed-ness, but apparently, they were just in the temple when we were and saw us. Less exciting, but I still felt like a celebrity.

SCHOOOOOOOO... take off. Honeymoon bound

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